(As asked by Dino….;) What’s your elevator pitch of what you do? Who you are? I’m Sarah Bourne, NCPG Board Member at large. I’m a puppet and costume fabricator. I have a BFA and an MA in Puppet Arts from UConn, and MFA in Interdisciplinary Theatre from Towson University. I’m currently the costume and puppet shop manager at West Virginia University. How long have you been involved with the NCPG? Why are you involved? I first joined the NCPG as a college student after the Toledo Puppeteers of America National Festival in 1997. I met a group of guild members in the lunch line and was assimilated on the spot. I’m involved because the sense of community, the resources, and shared knowledge are invaluable. What is a highlight moment from being with NCPG? John McAnnistan, in general. He always remembered who I am when I came to the Puppet Company box office (and always included carousel tickets!). An infectious smile and a brilliant sense of humor. A generally welcoming human being all-around and much missed. Most influential puppeteer on your life? In college, I was in a show directed by puppeteer Preston Foerder at the Contemporary American Theatre Festival in Shepherdstown, WV before I started attending UConn. Since (and because of) going to UConn and working with Preston, I’ve been able to see so much puppetry from all over the globe, it’s hard to pin-point who’s been the most influential. Proudest puppetry moment? Seeing a picture of my kid at Michelle Finston’s workshop in the Puppetry Journal. Most unusual puppet build? I’m currently making a puppet for WVU Medicine that demonstrates a nasal scope procedure - including what goes on inside the body! Biggest puppetry disaster? My first attempt at building a hand puppet stage fell over and then fell apart during a rehearsal… Hardest part about the professional life you’ve chosen? Creating a work/life balance has been really difficult for me. I also am bad at getting started on projects and conversely letting those projects take over my time. Goals? Dreams? Vision for your future? I like to tell myself I’m living the dream! But seriously, my goals right now are to do what I do and take care of my body at the same time. I’d like to retire while I can still be active and not retire because I can’t do the work anymore. Words you live by? Advice to other creative spirits? I had a supervisor tell me that the worst thing that would happen if I messed up a project would be that I would have to start over. This statement scares the students I work with, but for me, it’s been permission to approach work without fear. I will try anything (once!) and if it doesn’t work or doesn’t serve, it’s time to try something else. Risk! Fail! Risk again! What caveat do you have for a puppeteer NOT to do? Don’t hold back! Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. Anything else you’d like to share with NCPG membership? I’m so glad you found the NCPG and are part of our community! Why do you think Dino is THE best puppet character? Dino is obviously the best spokes-dinosaur around and an excellent ambassador for the NCPG. I still have 40-some-odd of his (puppet) friends ready to come to his next birthday party!
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